P.F. Candle Co X Peanuts™ now at MellowOver shop
Finally! P.F. Candle Co's X Peanuts long awaited collaboration candle scents have arrived at MellowOver! Made in celebration of the Beagle Scouts 50th anniversary, this limited edition candle collection features three...
NEW! Boy Smells Farm To Candle & Banana Pudding
Introducing Boy Smells latest magical scent concoction, FARM TO CANDLE. A smorgasbord of scents inspired by the earthy goods found in a humble farm, the notes created is of another...
Introducing: Boy Smells Secrete Garden
Deep dive into Boy Smell Secrete Garden Spring 22' scents. In Boy Smell's founder Matthew Herman's words, "The Secrete Garden Collection is about creating a personal space to cultivate your own truth....